Devlog 3: Planning and starting Sprint 1

First and foremost, rejoice, for we have our final project name: Ascension²

This week the team's main focus was on planning the project, making a robust and clean schedule.

We've been busy adding an entire backlog of tasks needed to develop our game, further unravelling the mechanics and elements we want to  include in our project.

We've updated/cleaned and improved our game design  model after some self-evaluation.

-Art bible: Added missing features to get a finished art bible defining the entire project's art elements. (Current images will be replaced by selfmade art in the future)
-Made assets in MagicaVoxel, getting used to the software/environment
-Designed 1st UI iteration

-Game programming patterns research:
                 -Command pattern
                 -Object pooling
                 -State patterns
                 -Singleton pattern
-Research controller implementation
-Research on Unity functionality

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