Devlog 2: Defining the project

Art Updates:

>We made Level concept designs, illustrated by some mockup screenshots
>Came up with UI/Map design ideas
>The artbible should be finished now, here's a quick look at two of the environments we're working on

>We found procedural shaders for MagicaVoxel to make our life a little easier.
by mode_vis:
by Lachlanmcdonald:
by CodingEric:

Technical Updates:

>Updated the techdoc, which should be completely done now. Future things could always be added to it but the base is finished.
>Made more types of falling blocks
>Aiming with mouse now is more percise
>Blocks get destroyed after a while, they turn more red the closer they are to disappearing
>Lock to aim with slow motion
>The level is now endless
>The jumping and gravity has been improved
>Added sabotaging gameplay


02.rar 14 MB
Feb 24, 2021

Get Ascension²

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